Install Dropbox On Your Server.
Start Dropbox Automatically On Boot
Dropbox provides a handy little service management script that makes it easy to start, stop and check the status of the Dropbox client.
Create a new file for the service management script
Paste the following script into the new file
Make sure you replace the value of DROPBOX_USERS with a comma separated list of the linux users on your machine you want to run the Dropbox client to run for. Each user in the list should have a copy of the Dropbox files and folders that you extracted from the archive, available under their home directory.
Make sure the script is executable and add it to default system startup run levels
Control the Dropbox client like any other Ubuntu service
Depending upon the number of files you have on Dropbox and the speed of your internet connection it may take some time for the Dropbox client to synchronize everything.
Check Status with Dropbox CLI
Dropbox has a command line python script available separately to provide more functionality and details on the status of the Dropbox client.
Download the script and adjust the file permissions
You can download the script anywhere you like, I’ve included it along with the rest of the Dropbox files.
Now you can easily check the status of the Dropbox client
Get a full list of CLI commands
Use the exclude command to keep specific files or folders from syncing to your server
Once the Dropbox service is running and fully syncrhonized you can access all your Dropbox files and easily share files on your server with all your other Dropbox connected gadgets!
For more resources and troubleshooting tips visit the Text Based Linux Install page on the Dropbox wiki and the Dropbox forums. Happy syncing!
via Install Dropbox On Your Ubuntu Server (10.04, 10.10 & 11.04) | Ubuntu Server GUI.
Install Dropbox On Your Server. Read More »